Begin Again


Begin Again

You can’t solve what appears to be an insurmountable problem by worrying.

No matter what situation you are facing – no matter how terrible or confusing it may appear to be – the most important thing is the choice you make in how to view it and what you’ll do about it.

The difference between those that overcome great odds and those who are defeated lies in the choices they make, so decide today to begin again and do something different about your situation.

Albert Einstein and Benjamin Franklin both defined insanity as “doing the same thing over and over again, expecting a different result.” If you’ve been running in circles over the same circumstances day in and day out, make today the day you stop, start over, and do something different.

A new start in a different direction is possible! The first, most important step is getting your mind and mouth lined up with a new perspective. Once this is accomplished, develop an action plan for the changes you plan to make about the situation. Even the smallest change is one step in the right direction! You will find the change to be more positive than continuing to do things the same way with the same results.

Five Keys to Beginning Again

  1. Stop talking to everyone about the problem.
  2. Pray about direction, and action steps to take.
  3. Start over mentally, and visualize yourself in a different place.
  4. Keep your mind focused on the outcome you wish to achieve.
  5. Take the first step to do something different and positive about the circumstances.

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