Believe in Yourself

You are a unique, confident, and interesting person – A Winner!

The great Muhammad Ali was a master at building himself up. Before a fight, he would announce to the world: “The bear will fall in five!” He proclaimed it, over and over. And sure enough, the bear would fall exactly as Ali had convinced him he would.

image of Mohammed Ali

You have the potential to be more than you can ever imagine, because your present is not governed by your past. Whatever is old is just that – yesterday’s waste. Believe in yourself! Learn who you are – your greatness, your Winning Spirit, lies within, waiting to be released.

Growing a Winning Spirit begins with right thinking, which leads to right believing and then to right results. Wrong thinking and lack of confidence leads to stress, anxiety, worry, jealousy, comparing and gossiping.

You are more than enough, and you can win in all circumstances – regardless of and despite the obstacles. Allow your mind to think and know this every day. Allow your mind to release what no longer serves you. Accept the potential within you and allow it to manifest.



  1. Examine your thoughts and shed those that are negative.
  2. Get your mouth in line with the changes you desire in your life. Your words decide your future. Begin to talk positively, using the present tense: “I am healthy, I am happily married, I am successful.”
  3. Think like a winner on every level: “I am a winning secretary, a winning mother, a winning husband.”
  4. Be willing to make minor adjustments to align yourself to a Winning Spirit.
  5. Use what you have: The power to be great is within you. Allow yourself to accept the gift of yourself.

Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success

by Lisa L. Wicker

Following in the footsteps of her trailblazing first book, The Winning Spirit: Building Employee Enthusiasm, Dr. Lisa J. Lindsay Wicker lays out steps for recognizing and developing the internal potential to achieve your goals and dreams. In Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success, Dr. Wicker shares how to stretch, risk, and grow into a strong, fulfilling life, and explains: 12 steps for overcoming limiting beliefs, Why playing small doesn’t serve you or the world, and 7 keys for unleashing your personal power. As a bonus, Dr. Wicker provides more than 95 Power Plays for career and personal success throughout the book. Drawing on her career and personal life experiences, this empowering book helps you overcome limiting beliefs, guides you to new ones, and step by step teaches you the secrets to powerfully play the game of life. Power Play! is a fantastic primer on how to use your personal power in a positive way to win!


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