Share Your Gifts

Holiday Card 2015

“The greatest good you can do for another is not just share your riches, but to reveal to him his own.”

—Benjamin Disraeli

We touch the lives of many people every day. Our interactions give us the opportunity to add to, or subtract from, their lives. We make the choice to multiply or divide their joy and their progress.

You have many gifts that can be given to others daily, and not just during the holidays.  Even the smallest gift can be a treasure, but the greatest treasure is the gift that comes with the heart, not the price tag. These gifts include your time, talent, action or deeds.

Think of the times in the last year that someone gave you words of encouragement, acted kindly and lovingly, or mentored you. You will find that you opened, enjoyed, and readily used these gifts.

As we celebrate the holidays and approach the new year, look in your internal rear-view mirror and assess which type of person you chose to be in the last twelve months. Did you add, subtract, multiply or divide the lives you touched?

Then, make a decision to recognize your rich and special gifts as treasures, something to be shared each day throughout 2016.

Five Life-Multiplying Gifts You Can Give to Others

  1. Build them up. Affirming them and their talents will help them win.
  2. Listen to them. Listening without judgment shows you care.
  3. Pray for them. Standing in the gap for another in prayer is a blessing.
  4. Share your Gifts. Your talents may be ‘Just What the Doctor Ordered.’
  5. Mentor Them. Guide those who need your wisdom, knowledge and experience.

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