Inside Career Success Women’s History Month Awards
Today’s women leaders are Game Changers. They take charge of their careers and take charge of their futures. These women have mastered their work and have learned the necessary steps to move ahead and build a successful careers. These women have made their mark in business and are exceptionally strong role models of what a woman can do.
Annually in March in observance of National Women’s History Month, Dr. Lisa Wicker/Linwick and Associates is thrilled to honor and highlight the many contributions women in metro Detroit, MI and Charlotte, NC, have made to women’s history, the business world, and the community. Here are the honorees of Michigan’s 2015 inaugural class sharing a word on success:

When you are ready to learn, teachers and lessons will always find you.
Terry Barclay

I have had so many gratifying experiences leading and being part of diverse teams developing and engineering breakthrough automotive products. This has enabled me to see first-hand, the impact diversity can achieve in reaching higher levels of product innovation and customer acceptance.

Despite society’s messages and images regarding people of color, if we alone uplift our own children, that would be sufficient.
Sheri Crawley

Success is not a goal to be accomplished, nor a station in life. Rather, success is a deep and abiding appreciation for the opportunity to be of service.
Monica Emerson

Life success is a journey. Staying on the journey or mission is key. That journey is marked not by awards and promotions – but by relationships.
Brig. General Carol Fausone (Ret.)

We are not what the odds say we are. We are what we believe we are. Some people expect nothing from you, but your champions expect everything from you. Surround yourself with people who believe in you, expect the best of you, and will give you the gift of honest feedback. Return the favor by giving your all in everything you do.

Life is work, but work is not life…And, while I think it is possible to “have it all”, that does not mean it will be easy or happen without sacrifice. Deciding what sacrifices are acceptable is more of an art than a science. Learn from and forgive your mistakes in making your own masterpiece.

I believe that developing new relationships and cultivating your long term relationships are critical to career success and fulfillment. Remember “RIT”; Relationships before Issues and Tasks. If relationships are managed authentically and well, all issues and tasks before you are facilitated.

In order to be successful in life, you must first have a vision and a plan for fulfilling it. If you fail to plan then you plan to fail.

I am honored to be included with this group of accomplished women. I would not be able to be here without the support of my family and colleagues.
Kouhaila (Ki) Hammer

Power comes from perseverance; by not accepting ‘no” for an answer, nor allowing obstacles to stand in your way. Learn to listen to the inner voice of God who orders your steps. Follow his path and all that has been put before you, even when it means taking a slight detour.
Cheryl Hudson

Strength is ageless. Make key choices to unlock your future.

Do unto others as you would, have others do unto you.

No’s are conditional and temporary; they are never set in stone. One needs ten no’s for every yes, but remember that turning “no” into “yes” is a fun adventure.
Jennifer Kluge

Put your heart, mind, and soul into even your smallest acts. This is the secret of success. ’I am a woman of significance. I am valuable. and I am worthy is a motto for all women globally.
Rev. Minetta Hare
Speaker, Business/Executive Coach & Trainer, Good Success Seminars

Two of the greatest lessons I learned from my mentor were to honor and appreciate others and build a great team and get out of the way. I have worked to live these principles every day.
Kristina Marshall

You will never grow or realize your full potential unless you become comfortable being uncomfortable. Do not be afraid to make a mistake or try something different, for greatness is not always accomplished on the first attempt.
Ronia Kruse

Character is the result of two things: mental attitude and the way we spend our time.
Florine Mark

Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Sail away from the safe harbor. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.- Mark Twain
Alyssa Martina

Be who you are and say what you feel, because those who mind don’t matter and those who matter, don’t mind. – Dr. Seuss

The most common way people give up their power is by thinking they don’t have any. – Alice Walker

Recognize the true potential in every young person and to develop intrinsic security that makes optimum use of their individualized talent.
Asia Newson

When you’ve worked hard, and done well, and walked through that doorway of opportunity, you do not slam it shut behind you. You reach back. – Michelle Obama
Vivian Pickard

You can only become truly accomplished at something you love. Don’t make money your goal. Instead pursue the things you love doing and then do them so well that people can’t take their eyes off of you. – Maya Angelou

My mother instilled in me daily, as a youngster, to believe that “I can be anything that I want to be. Anyone who desires to be successful in business, must possess the three D’s—Dedication, Determination and Desire.
Rev. Betty Pulliam

To thine own self be true’ is the quote I live by. There is no disconnect between your head and your heart. Finding the reason the universe put you here is the key to happiness. You have to be true to who you really are.
Samantha White

Watch your thoughts, they become words; watch your words, they become actions; watch your actions, they become habits; watch your habits, they become character; watch your character, for it becomes your destiny. – James Allen, As A Man Thinketh
Pamela Rodgers

Always look for ways to create uncommon or previously unexplored opportunities for yourself. Just keep your goals and the people who depend on you at the forefront of all you do, and success will find you.

True passion for your career results from understanding and knowing what God has created you to do. Once you know this, that power ‘within’ will drive you to be relentless in your pursuits. Success will not be measured only financially, but in fulfilling your purpose and true calling.
Dr. Velton Robinson

Leadership is the quest of recognizing what aspect of human suffering deeply disturbs you,having the courage to confront it, the audacity to attempt to fix it, the willingness to engage others, and the humility to accept failure as simply another opportunity to try again.
Dr. Kimberlydawn Wisdom
Sr. VP Comm Health & Equity and Chief Wellness Officer, Henry Ford Health System