Sometimes, in the midst of a divorce, bankruptcy, losing a love one, or just day-to-day stress, a shift occurs in our attitude and expectations. We experience despair, feel vulnerable, and have no hope for the future.
You’ve been there. I’ve been there – that place where we feel we have little influence. That place where we have allowed ourselves to believe we are a victim of the circumstance. We give in to the moment and doubt the greatness of the future.
Consider this: Words of action shape your future. Create, Invent, Produce.
Prayer, faith, strength and belief in your ability to free yourself from personal limitations, worry, or anxiety will keep your dreams alive. Commit to shaping your future day-by-day by challenging the odds. Inventory your values, your goals, your focus. Remind yourself of who you are and what you are about. Success, period.
Five Keys to a Shaping Your Future:
- Pray for strength and endurance.
- Keep the faith, and know that you are more than enough.
- Don’t be anxious about today or tomorrow.
- Stay focused and act on the dream.
- Passionately go after your future, with purpose.