Be bold and confident. Free yourself from personal limitations, worry or anxiety.

You may have dismissed your dream because it seemed unattainable. Perhaps you wanted to be an architect. Were you discouraged from shooting for that career goal because you’re not so good in math? Don’t accept limitations. Challenge the odds, and become that architect.
Do you dream about becoming a manager, but haven’t moved up the ladder? Believe that you can do it and take action now. This is not gambling where the odds are stacked against you. In life, if you work at beating the odds, nine times out of ten you’ll make it.
Henry Ford said, Whether you think you can or think you can’t you are right.
Napoleon Hill said, Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, he can achieve.
In Matthew 17, Jesus tells the disciples that they were unable to cast out a demon because they did not have faith. He said: If you have faith as a mustard seed, you shall say to this mountain, ‘move from here to there,’ and it shall move; and nothing shall be impossible for you.
The mustard seed is small. Very small. Jesus was telling them all they needed to succeed was the smallest belief that they really could.
The same is true of you, in whatever goal you set for yourself. Start today to challenge the odds, by setting a goal and believing in yourself.
Giving life to uncertainties, unknowns and false limitations won’t get you the new job, college degree, promotion, sales contract or mentor you desire – or any other goal you have set for yourself. Wishing on a star won’t, either. A Winning Spirit, prayer, and the subsequent appropriate action will get you there. Act as if your win is a guarantee, and it has already been delivered. Have complete faith that your goals, dreams and visions will happen.
Be willing to change the course and shift gears on self-doubt by going for it and following a new level of performance achievement and behaviors. Make a commitment to take a risk for and on yourself. Plan. Prepare. Then go for it. Successful people blaze new trails and take meaningful risks.
- Say “YES” to yourself, even when others doubt your ability.
- Don’t accept the status quo. If you wait until you “feel” ready, it will never happen.
- Keep a fresh perspective on who you are. Stay up-to-date on your expertise, and know your stuff.
- Stay positive, and pray daily, especially when times are tough. Prayer is a positive, constant shield.
- Know that you have already won!

Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success by Lisa L. Wicker
Following in the footsteps of her trailblazing first book, The Winning Spirit: Building Employee Enthusiasm, Dr. Lisa J. Lindsay Wicker lays out steps for recognizing and developing the internal potential to achieve your goals and dreams. In Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success, Dr. Wicker shares how to stretch, risk, and grow into a strong, fulfilling life, and explains: 12 steps for overcoming limiting beliefs, Why playing small doesn’t serve you or the world, and 7 keys for unleashing your personal power. As a bonus, Dr. Wicker provides more than 95 Power Plays for career and personal success throughout the book. Drawing on her career and personal life experiences, this empowering book helps you overcome limiting beliefs, guides you to new ones, and step by step teaches you the secrets to powerfully play the game of life. Power Play! is a fantastic primer on how to use your personal power in a positive way to win!