The key to our success is superior professional services, delivered with a clear understanding of our client’s need for bottom line business results. We combine executive leadership experience with analytical results-oriented approaches to problem solving.
Satisfied clients have praised the company for its integrity, expertise and competencies in translating concepts from plans to execution.
The Management & Staff of the City of Detroit Human Resources Department wishes to express their profound gratitude for your dedication and commitment to meeting our needs. We followed your recommendation and implemented your strategy and the results are outstanding. We are counting on your continued support.
City of Detroit HR
On behalf of the SAE Engineering Career Resources Committee, thank you for your expertise during the Career Enhancement Clinic. There were more than 155 attendees during your session – our largest attendance yet! The value of the information you presented has been evidenced by the numerous calls we have received for copies of the information you presented.
SAE International
I compliment your company’s most important commodity – your ability to create organizational value through people. Our executives have already begun to witness positive change in the level of productivity and personal commitment of all employees and its executives. We believe this swift and broad change can only be attributed to Linwick’s expertise delivered in our step-by-step Succession Plan. Linwick & Associates is a rare find. Your company has provided a service which has long eluded us and a service we will rely on in the future.
Menc Incorporated
Thought Leadership
Meeting the challenges of marketplace complexity demands the best, most innovative, and actionable insights. Linwick& Associates’ Thought Leadership and leading-edge research is contained in our books, literature, and White Papers. To access our resources of academic and practitioner thinking and experience, sign up for Linwick & Associates Next Level Leadership (NLL). We bring HR tomorrow’s best practices to you today.
Employees of companies who belong to the Next Level Leadership Roundtable have access to HR networks and content.