Re-Recruit Yourself

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By choice, each of us joined the work organization we’re in today, whether it is a multi-national corporation, a successful small business, or an entrepreneurial venture we’ve built on our own. Today, just as when we made that initial choice, we are faced with strategic choices.

If the position you hold today were suddenly open and the job description updated to current technological and industry standards, would you still qualify?

Too often, we define our worth by our past achievements, and assume our history serves as qualification for a promising or continuous career. Many of us – no matter where we are on the globe – have become overly dependent on our employers, expecting to be shielded from the winds of change. But the business world has changed dramatically, and we can no longer expect our past achievements to define or guarantee our future.

If we change our attitude and re-recruit ourselves for the job we’re in or the one to which we aspire, we can reignite the enthusiasm and Winning Spirit we had on the first day of the job – and take steps toward a brighter future.

Five Steps to Re-Recruit Yourself

  1. Upgrade Your Skills. Earn the next degree or take professional courses to stay current in your discipline.
  2. Take Personal Responsibility for Your Career. Develop and implement an Action Plan.
  3. Be Flexible and Adaptable. Embrace change, and be open to new ideas.
  4. Ensure Your Net is Working. Make a point of networking within and outside of your immediate circle of influence.
  5. Add Value. Contribute 100% right where you are by being a problem solver.

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