To Achieve results, be open to new ideas and new ways

When I left 21 years of job security at one of the world’s largest companies to venture a new industry with opportunity for growth, I was scared stiff at giving up the comfort of the know and leaving friends that I’d known since college. But I accepted being uncomfortable for a while to fulfill my dream.
When you challenge convention, when you set your sights on a goal that others say is clearly beyond your reach, you risk being defined as “the one who is doing it wrong.” But if you truly believe in yourself and your goal, you have to take that risk. Power players get uncomfortable.
Consider the science behind physical fitness. If you want to be stronger, you must continue to grow muscle by changing the way you work out – adding more weight, for example.
Stepping out on faith is fearful. President Franklin Roosevelt told the American people on the eve of World War II that we have nothing to fear but fear itself. Fear is paralyzing. Get rid of it.
- Change is usually uncomfortable, but if you are committed to believing in yourself and your goals, you will learn to welcome the discomfort for the benefits the change will bring.
- The first step is the hardest. Taking that first uncomfortable step changes everything. The next step may be equally frightening, but once you’ve successfully pushed beyond your comfort zone a few times, you will be more likely to accept the challenge of the next “hard step.”
- You must go outside of your world. Study the lives of those who have achieved success and incorporate their winning characteristics into your life and into your being.
- Invest in yourself. Enroll in classes, hire a coach, attend seminars that will boost your attitude as well as your knowledge and abilities. If nothing else, rent or borrow motivational books and audio tapes, and practice the lessons they teach.
- Dare to be wrong. Ask yourself, “What if I did it differently?” Every step of the way. If Thomas Edison had given up on the 900th try, you might be reading this book by candlelight!

Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success by Lisa L. Wicker
Following in the footsteps of her trailblazing first book, The Winning Spirit: Building Employee Enthusiasm, Dr. Lisa J. Lindsay Wicker lays out steps for recognizing and developing the internal potential to achieve your goals and dreams. In Power Play! Discover the Secrets to Spirit-Winning Success, Dr. Wicker shares how to stretch, risk, and grow into a strong, fulfilling life, and explains: 12 steps for overcoming limiting beliefs, Why playing small doesn’t serve you or the world, and 7 keys for unleashing your personal power. As a bonus, Dr. Wicker provides more than 95 Power Plays for career and personal success throughout the book. Drawing on her career and personal life experiences, this empowering book helps you overcome limiting beliefs, guides you to new ones, and step by step teaches you the secrets to powerfully play the game of life. Power Play! is a fantastic primer on how to use your personal power in a positive way to win!